As per Agreement Que Es

As per agreement, que es: Understanding the meaning and usage

When it comes to legal or official documents, the phrase “as per agreement” is commonly seen. However, there are instances when it is written in Spanish as “que es”. In this article, we will explore its meaning, usage, and significance in legal terms.

What does “as per agreement” mean?

The phrase “as per agreement” is often used to refer to a specific clause or provision that has been agreed upon by two parties. It basically means that a certain action or decision has been made in line with the terms of an agreement or contract. In other words, it`s a way of saying that something was done according to what was previously agreed upon, and is typically used to avoid misunderstandings or disputes.

On the other hand, “que es” is the Spanish equivalent of “as per agreement”. It has the same meaning and is used in the same way to refer to a specific clause or provision that has been agreed upon by two parties.

Example usage of “as per agreement” in a contract:

“John agrees to pay the rent on the first day of every month, as per agreement, until the end of the lease term.”

Example usage of “que es” in a contract:

“Juan acuerda pagar el alquiler el primer día de cada mes, que es, hasta el final del plazo de arrendamiento.”

Why is the phrase important in legal documents?

The phrase “as per agreement” is crucial in legal documents because it clarifies the actions and decisions made in accordance with the terms of the contract. It also helps to establish that both parties are aware of and have agreed to the terms and conditions laid out within the agreement.

In addition, the use of “que es” in Spanish legal documents is equally important, particularly in cases where the contract or agreement involves parties from different countries or regions where Spanish is commonly spoken.

In conclusion, “as per agreement” and “que es” are phrases that are used in legal documents to establish that a certain action or decision has been agreed upon by both parties according to the terms of the contract. It plays a significant role in avoiding misunderstandings, clarifying obligations, and protecting the interests of both parties involved in the agreement.