Golf Cart Rental Agreement

Golf Cart Rental Agreement: Important Terms and Conditions

A golf cart rental agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of renting a golf cart. It is important to have a rental agreement in place to protect both the rental company and the renter from any unforeseen circumstances. Below are some of the important terms and conditions that should be included in a golf cart rental agreement.

1. Rental Period and Fees

The rental agreement should clearly state the rental period and fees. This includes the start and end date of the rental, as well as the daily or weekly rental fee. It is important to be clear about any additional fees or charges, such as late fees or damage fees.

2. Payment and Deposit

The rental agreement should include details on how payment will be made and the amount of deposit required. It is recommended to ask for a deposit to cover any damages or lost equipment. The deposit should be clearly stated in the rental agreement, along with the conditions for refund.

3. Use of the Golf Cart

The rental agreement should clearly state the conditions for using the golf cart. This includes the maximum number of passengers allowed and any restrictions on where the cart can be driven. It is important to highlight any special safety precautions or requirements, such as wearing seat belts or operating the cart in a certain way.

4. Liability and Insurance

It is important to have liability and insurance coverage for the golf cart rental. The rental agreement should include details on whether the rental company provides insurance, or if the renter must obtain their own insurance coverage. The rental agreement should also outline the conditions for liability, including who is responsible for any damages or accidents.

5. Maintenance and Repairs

The rental agreement should include details on who is responsible for maintaining and repairing the golf cart during the rental period. This includes regular maintenance tasks, such as checking the oil and battery, as well as any necessary repairs. It is important to outline the conditions for reporting any damages or issues with the golf cart.


A golf cart rental agreement is an important document that protects both the rental company and the renter. It is important to include the above terms and conditions in the rental agreement to ensure a smooth rental process. By having a rental agreement in place, both parties can enjoy a stress-free rental experience.